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W W Denslow’s Young Imagination: Fantasy Trade Cards

W W Denslow showed an impressive imagination early in life, as evidenced by these circa 1883 trade cards featuring children with strange creatures. This fantasy set of four includes a boy bursting through a bubble landing on a frog, children riding a peculiar sea creature and a wasp, and a boy battling a giant bee.W W Denslow fantasy trade cards baker and hayes

Two of these cards were known to be by Denslow as they were found in his personal scrapbook, and the other two were more recently discovered. All four advertising cards have been seen with the overlapping B&H mark of Baker & Hayes. Denslow is known to have worked for this Philadelphia firm, and this mark is used on other known Denslow cards, such as those with the child gods Pluto, Folly, Bacchus, Venus, and Minerva. These “strange creature” cards carry advertisements for various businesses on either the front or back.

Discoveries like these are why I so love to collect Denslow. The adventure never ends. His art was diverse and prolific, so there’s always something new and interesting just around the corner. So keep an eye out for that elusive B&H mark! For more info, see pp. 48-50 of the Spring 2015 Baum Bugle.

Click here to visit other interesting Denslow advertising items. You might also want to check out other interesting books and ephemera related to Wizard of Oz and Roycroft under New Listings. And don’t forget the ever-expanding Sale Items!

Sold: W W DENSLOW 1909 Complete Set of Teddy Bear Bread Postcards Wizard of Oz Illustrator

w w Denslow Teddy Beard Postcard Set

Here is a wonderful full set of four antique Teddy Bear Bread advertising postcards drawn by W. W. Denslow, illustrator of the original Wonderful Wizard of Oz book. According to the Autumn 1972 Denslow checklist (Baum Bugle), these were created circa 1908-1912, which jives with the 1909 postmark on two of these cards. These are quite hard to find and usually I sell them individually, but decided to sell the complete set. According to Postcard Collector magazine (1992), “The scarcity of these cards was created by the fact that a Teddy Bear stick pin was given away as a premium upon turning in a set of cards. The postcards were destroyed by the merchant as payment for the pin.” Offered here are all four postcards shown: ‘”Is There Anything in It?”; “I’ll See”, “Why, it’s Tedd Bear Bread” and “I’ll Buy It!”With beautiful, classic Denslow illustrations and the trademark Denslow hippocampus (seahorse) signature!

In very good, age-toned conditon, a couple with pencil markings or old prince on the backs. Photos and description copyrighted by WBOO through the DMCA act of 1998.

Sold: W. W. Denslow Original Art Troubadour in Twenty Years on the Road 1884 Pre-Wizard of Oz

Denslow Original Art Twenty Years on the Road 1884

This is a wonderful find for collectors of W.W. Denslow, the talented artist who illustrated the true first edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Denslow was already an accomplished poster and book illustrator when he partnered with Baum in the late 1890s. This elaborate pen and ink drawing from the 1884 book “Twenty Years on the Road” is one of his earliest pieces of surviving original art. This humorous scene of a man wooing a young woman and confronted with the father was used as one of the larger illustrations in the book. Shown in one of the photos is the illustrated book page, as obtained from the New York Public Library. The piece is also nice as it shows not only Denslow’s fine line art but his method, as the initial drawing is sketched in a faint underlying blue line. It shows that he modified the style of the lettering in his final version. I believe the penciled “Move Effect” and the word “Mortice” (recess to make room for the text) in the top sky are probably in Denslow’s own hand. The piece is also signed “W* D *L”—one of the signatures he used during this period (the L probably standing for his partner Charles Lemon). “Reduce 1/2″ is also marked in pencil on the bottom, denoting the reduction size for final print. Den was only 28 when he drew this and while fame had not yet caught him, he had already worked successfully in advertising, newspaper and trade card design.

This piece measures 9.5×12.5”, on board, and It does have some loss at the left side just reaching the border, and a chip at top left. The Twenty Years on the Road booklet, extremely scarce, was published by the Philadelphia firm Baker & Hayes and is in Greene & Hearn’s W W Denslow checklist.

Sold: W. W. Denslow Original Art Twenty Years on the Road 1884 Pre-Wizard of Oz

w w denslow twenty years on the road original art 1884

This is a wonderful find for collectors of W.W. Denslow, the talented artist who illustrated the true first edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Denslow was already an accomplished poster and book illustrator when he partnered with Baum in the late 1890s. This pen and ink drawing from the 1884 book “Twenty Years on the Road” is one of his earliest pieces of surviving original art. This charming scene of a traveling salesman leaving his young wife and child was used as the headpiece for the beginning of the book, as shown in the photo that I obtained from the New York Public Library. The piece is also nice as it shows not only Denslow’s fine line art but his method, as the initial drawing is sketched in a faint underlying blue line. It shows that he modified the style of the lettering in his final version. “1/3” is marked in pencil on the side, denoting the reduction size for final print. Den was only 28 when he drew this and while fame had not yet caught him, he had already worked successfully in advertising, newspaper and trade card design.

The piece on board measures about 11 1/2” by 6 3/4” and is signed “W* D.”—one of the signatures he used during this period. It has light soiling, four pin holes in the edges, a small dent in upper left margin, and an ink smudge at the right on the saleman’s hand. The rear has a yellow sticker with a number on it. The Twenty Years on the Road booklet, extremely scarce, was published by the Philadelphia firm Baker & Hayes and is in Greene & Hearn’s W W Denslow checklist.

CHOICE W W DENSLOW Thanksgiving Vintage Postcard! Wizard of Oz Illustrator

W W Denslow Thanksgiving Postcards

Your choice of one of these Thanksgiving Humor Series 352 postcard drawn by Wizard of Oz illustrator W. W. Denslow. According to the Autumn 1972 Denslow checklist, these were created circa 1908-1912 and that matches with the postmarks I’ve seen. These demonstrate Denslow’s quirky sense of humor. See also the other Denslow  postcards and tradecards I have up for sale.

AVAILABLE: “Thanksgiving Turkey Dressed to Kill”

SOLD: “He’s Too Tough for Thanksgiving Dinner”.

SOLD: “Why don’t you take that silly old goose for Thanksgiving?” (showing Father Goose as the goose, a little additional joke)

AVAILABLE: Fourth says “Thanksgiving Turkey, Chestnut Fed, with Dressing a la Mode”

Available: The first Thanksgiving Dinner in Ye Old Time” with a Native American shooting an arrow into a surprised pilgrim’s turkey

SOLD: “Ye Old Fashioned Hasty Pudding”.

The photos don’t really do these justice. All embossed and lithographed with beautiful, classic Denslow illustrations and marked with his seahorse and “DEN” (except on one he seems to have forgotten the DEN as it has only the seahorse). These were printed with both gold and silver lettering;  color of letters on card you receive may vary from the ones shown here.

Rear is marked “Post Card / Correspondence / Address” in old fashioned lettering, also with a one cent stamp box. All in very good condition with light age wear, and excellent examples of Denslow’s later work! Price is for your choice of ONE card. Please specify which card you’d like in the Order Notes box at the bottom of Checkout. If you want more than one or the whole set, you can change the quantity in the order box.

W W Denslow Baum Bugle Wizard of Oz Club Special Color Issue Spring 2015 Roycroft Checklist

w w denslow baum bugle spring 2015

Here is the special Baum Bugle on Wizard of Oz illustrator W W Denslow–published to honor him 100 years after his death in 1915. Guest-edited by yours truly, this is a lavish, double issue with four full-color pages showcasing Denslow art! Even if you think you know W W Denslow’s work, you probably will be surprised at his creative breadth and some of the images in this issue. Also includes information on his tenure at the Roycrofters.

Spring 2015, 92 pages, with a stunning front and rear cover and the following articles in addition to the normal sections. In very good condition, a few with edge wear or minor printing flaws to cover. No longer available from the Oz Club.

6 Reigning as King on Denslow Island
15 Denslow’s Development: The Winding Road to the Wizard
23 W. W. Denslow and His Weekly “Bounce”
26 The Denslow Archives Mysteries
30 A Little Journey to East Aurora: In Search of W. W. Denslow
36 A Checklist of W. W. Denslow Postcards
40 Lens on Denslow: Denslow’s Picture Book Series
48 Denslow’s Advertising Trade Cards of the 1880s: New Finds
51 Oz Ink
54 W. W. Denslow: A Checklist Update
67 W. W. Denslow and the Roycrofters
75 A Checklist of Denslow’s Roycroft Work
80 W. W. Denslow: Life After Death—“How Perfectly Absurd!”

Photos and description by Wonderful Books of Oz, copyright protected through the DMCA act of 1998.

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Special W W Denslow Issue of the Baum Bugle!

Artist W W Denslow. Note “Roycroft” carved into the cabinet to his left.

Oct 2015 Update: The Denslow Bugle issue is out; it’s beautiful, and I have a limited number of extra copies available for $15 plus shipping. You can purchase it here.   It is no longer available with Club membership as when I wrote the blog, below.

Are you a member of the International Wizard of Oz Club? I hope so, because if so, you’ll receive the special W. W. Denslow issue of the Baum Bugle magazine due out shortly! Denslow was co-creator of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book with L Frank Baum, and he’s my favorite real-life Oz character. So I’m helping Bugle editor Craig Noble create and edit this special issue, on the 100-year anniversary of Denslow’s death in 1915.

While Denslow only illustrated a few of Baum’s books, he was a hugely prolific artist. This special issue will include two articles that I’ve written on Denslow and the Roycrofters (including a Roycroft checklist), and also will describe some newly discovered trade cards drawn by Denslow. Others will write about how Denslow’s artistic style developed, his Billy Bounce comic strip, his postcards, his personal archive, Denslow Island, and more. You’ll even get a peek at Oz Club members who proudly wear Denslow hippocampus tattoos!

To make sure you get this Ozsome issue (which will have some color pages for better display of Den’s art), make sure you join the Oz Club soon, here! It’s only $25 per year and will bring you together with a great group of people who foster Oz education and activities. Plus, you get the Bugle and 20% off books published by the Club.

Are you a Denslow fan already? Some of us would like to sponsor a memorial Denslow stone on the “Appian Way” walkway at the Roycroft campus in East Aurora, New York. If we get enough contributions, we can get a larger stone and have it engraved with his hippocampus symbol! Denslow deserves this recognition at the place where he contributed so much to the success of Roycrofters’ hand-crafted books. If you’d like to contribute, please contact me here.   Photos and description by Wonderful Books of Oz, copyright protected through the DMCA act of 1998.

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W W Denslow Special Issue of the Baum Bugle is Coming!

Artist W W Denslow. Note “Roycroft” carved into the cabinet to his left.

Are you a member of the International Wizard of Oz Club? I hope so, because if so, you’ll receive the special W. W. Denslow issue of the Baum Bugle magazine due out in June! Denslow was co-creator of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book with L Frank Baum, and he’s my favorite real-life Oz character. So I’m helping Bugle editor Craig Noble create and edit this special issue, on the 100-year anniversary of Denslow’s death in 1915.

While Denslow only illustrated a few of Baum’s books, he was a hugely prolific artist. This special issue will include two articles that I’ve written on Denslow and the Roycrofters (including a checklist), and also will describe some newly discovered trade cards drawn by Denslow. Others will write about how Denslow’s artistic style developed, his Billy Bounce comic strip, his postcards, his personal archive, Denslow Island, and more. You’ll even get a peek at Oz Club members who proudly wear Denslow hippocampus tattoos!

To make sure you get this Ozsome issue (which will have some color pages for better display of Den’s art), make sure you join the Oz Club soon, here! It’s only $25 per year and will bring you together with a great group of people who foster Oz education and activities. Plus, you get the Bugle and 20% off books published by the Club.

Are you a Denslow fan already? Some of us are planning to sponsor a memorial Denslow stone on the “Appian Way” walkway at the Roycroft campus in East Aurora, New York. If we get enough contributions, we can get a larger stone and have it engraved with his hippocampus symbol! Denslow deserves this recognition at the place where he contributed so much to the success of Roycrofters’ hand-crafted books. If you’d like to contribute, please contact me here.

Don’t forget to check out Wonderful Books of Oz’ New Listings. Also, peruse the Sale items–more markdowns this month! 4/28/15

Photos and description by Wonderful Books of Oz, copyright protected through the DMCA act of 1998. Please contact me for permission to use photos or text.

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September Wizard of Oz Book Sales Aid Black Mambas Anti-Poaching Group in South Africa

This Month: A Good Cause

25% of all Wonderful Books of Oz sales thru September 2015 will be donated to the Black Mambas Anti-Poaching unit, South African women who are fighting to save rhinos and other animals from poaching. I won’t ruin your day by detailing how these animals die, but suffice to say it is horrifying–and the acceleration of rhino and elephant killing in just the last five years has been staggering. Who would think in the 21st century that we can’t stop this? Read more about them here.

Dorothy: Your Majesty, if you were king, you wouldn’t be afraid of anything?
Cowardly Lion: Not nobody! Not nohow!
Tin Woodsman: Not even a rhinoceros?
Cowardly Lion: Imposerous!

So, you can not only find a beautiful Wizard of Oz or Roycroft book or collectible this month, but you can help a good cause. Some unusual Denslow trade cards, a couple of Oz 1sts, some later books in dust jacket, and more. And, to sweeten the pot, I’ll send you FREE one of the following Oz Club publications with any order of at least $10: A Best of Baum Bugle magazine, Ruth Plumly Thompson’s Wizard of Way Up or Cheerful Citizens of Oz, or Baum’s Twinkle and Chubbins. Just include which item you’d like in the Notes section of your order or Contact Me. Also, don’t forget to peruse the Sale items.

About the Proprietor

Photo by Jay Davis

Hello there. I’m an avid reader and have loved Wizard of Oz books since I was about 5, when my Dad bought me my first. It was old and a little tattered (he liked to frequent the used bookshops in LA), but I didn’t notice that. It began a lifelong love with Oz, especially the books. Each birthday or if I was sick, he’d bring me another Oz book in the series.

I started adding to my collection again in 2005, buying some books and selling others…well, one thing led to another and here I am with my own online bookshop, Wonderful Books of Oz! I specialize in vintage Oz books, but not just the common ones in the series–I like to search out the most unusual, as well Oz-related paper items, like postcards and magazines. Through the connection with the original Oz illustrator W. W. Denslow, I also specialize in books and ephemera related to the Roycrofters. All my items are original unless specified otherwise, and with fair prices. My descriptions are given with a minimum of complicated bookseller’s jargon, yet contain important bibliographical information and are detailed enough so you can be confident in what you’re buying. I also guarantee every purchase–if you are not happy for any reason; please let me know, and you can return your item for a full refund. While I do also work as an atmospheric scientist, I believe in superior customer service and take the utmost care with every query and transaction. You can reach me by email under “Contact” tab, above. Also check out my OzCon International Youtube interview.

I’m very involved with The International Wizard of Oz Club, (currently Vice-President), a member of the Independent Online Bookseller Association (IOBA) and the Ephemera Society of America, and a graduate of the Colorado Antiquarian Book Seminar. My customer feedback and number of repeat buyers testify that I’m doing something right! Here are some real kudos from my WONDERFUL customers:

“Cindy, I cannot thank you enough. I have looked for many years for a decent copy of this book at a decent price. You really made my day. The book and the nice tote bag came today, and I could not be happier.”

“Thank you, Cindy. It’s always a pleasure working with you. Your inventory is always exceptional. I am always excited to receive your emails and my orders. Happy new year!”

“They’re even better than I thought they’d be. I love that we can see his actual marker lines across the cards. Thank you for making ownership of the Mythological Zoo a reality for me. I wasn’t sure if it would happen or not. Happy 2025 to you.”

“The copy of Enchanted Island of Yew arrived today. Thank you–what a lovely copy. Almost impossibly so. I’m happy to have it.”

“Hi Cindy, the fabulous trade cards arrived today – finally! It’s amazing how long it takes from southern California these days.Anyway, it’s good to complete another set (Beggar Student) and upgrade some with missing corners, etc. Thank you so much!”

“I just wanted to tell you just how beautiful this book is – as good as anything available on the net. So pretty I almost cried.”

“I just received the book. After recently buying an Oz book from another collector, and having it arrive poorly packed and bouncing around in the box, I REALLY appreciate the careful and secure packing that you do!”

Thank you for all the wonderful Oz goodies in the box! The two books are so beautiful – I’m so glad you had both of them to sell to me. Thanks again for your Wonderful Books and other items!”

“I recently purchased Patchwork Girl of Oz and Road to Oz from you and was really impressed with the quality of the books. Thank you for providing such a great shop, as well as the helpful information about the Wizard of Oz books! Your website and YouTube video helped start my Oz journey.”

“Hi Cindy, Glinda arrived today and it’s a lovely copy. I’m pleased to have it in my collection. Thank you.”

“Just wanted to compliment you, once again, for the careful packing and shipping. The postman delivered the two packages to the front stoop of my house, despite that being the third level of my building. Thank you for making all these goodies available!”

“Thank you again- this book was a favorite of my wife’s and she broke into tears when she first saw the cover.”

“I just received the book. After recently buying an Oz book from another collector, and having it arrive poorly packed and bouncing around in the box, I REALLY appreciate the careful and secure packing that you do!”

“II woke up to find the package on my porch which was heavier than expected. I have been on the hunt to find a good Patchwork Girl and was blown away that you added that into my order. I actually cried! I am still so shocked. I can’t wait to read it when I get there ( I am currently on The Emerald City). Thank you so much, it was a marvelous surprise!”

“I received both orders the other day in perfect order. Lost Princess is a lovely copy and the two Denslow pamphlets are fun. It’s always a pleasure doing business with you.”

“Your package arrived today, and I’ve just had time to unpack it. I am so happy with the Denslow pictures! They are marvelous. I can’t wait to study them further tomorrow with a magnifying glass. He may not have yet developed his signature style in these, but his talent and technique are certainly apparent. Thank you again for giving me a chance at these!”

“The books arrived today in perfect order. Thanks for the careful packaging. It will take me a few days to get around to comparing them to Farah’s guide.”

“I received both orders the other day in perfect order. Lost Princess is a lovely copy and the two Denslow pamphlets are fun. It’s always a pleasure doing business with you.”

“Thank you so very much Cindy! Bandit Jim Crow came today and it looks awesome.”

“I have rarely (if ever) received a book as lovingly packed as yours! Many thanks for the very professional care you have taken. I much appreciate this.”

“I received the books and they’re great as usual, thank you! It’s a fun experience to handle the Merry Go Round in Oz copy, practically like it’s been untouched since the ’60s.”
“This book is wonderful Cindy. Thank you so much. It is even nicer than what you listed. Thank you also for the nice little card.”

“Received the bundle! Thank so much! The Dick Martin books are in wonderful shape!”

“Once again I thank you for your excellent and careful packaging. The Bill Eubank items are great, and I’m pleased to have them.”

“Thanks for the very interesting, and odd, book! It is oddly put together… It makes a very nice addition to my collection – one that I have never encountered before. I may have to bring it to a “show and tell” someday.”

“Wow!! Just got my package. I can’t believe the bonus items ! I’m ecstatic !! Thank you so much. I really appreciate that!”

“The parcel has just arrived safe and sound, complete with its myriad of goodies, which is astonishingly swift service in this era of COVID. The R&B edition of Land of Oz is also in superlative condition. Just wonderful. So thanks once again.”

“The 3/4 levant copy of White Hyacinths from your recent listings has arrived and, as usual, is a beautiful little book.”

The well packaged book arrived today in perfect order. It’s far lovelier than I expected. I have few books here colored by poichoir but not so delicately and elaborately handled as this one is.”

“You always have such interesting and unusual items for sale. Looking forward to receiving these.”

“I just received my book in the mail today and I was soooo excited to open it and smell the pages!!! I’m working on getting the entire collection. Do you have the others in this same format? :)”

“Thanks for another great batch of Oz books! Wonderful service and packaging; very much appreciated!”

“Thanks for the Aunt Jane’s Nieces set! I’ve always thought I ought to read them, but your description on your site convinced me to get the vintage set. Thanks for the Jack Pumpkinhead copy in August as well. It’s a relief to buy these from a trusted source and not do the eBay gamble.”

“I received Ruth’s signed Oz stationery and could not be more pleased with it. It’s a wonderful companion piece to L. Frank Baum’s signature. I look forward to doing more business with you again soon. “

“I wanted to let you know that my order for the two books arrived two days ago and are now safely at my house. Perfectly packed, as always!”

“I received the original 1939-1940 Oz Valentine’s cards in the mail today. They are gorgeous in person and have held up extremely well over the years. I plan on collecting more 1939 memorabilia. Thanks again!”

“Just wanted to say thanks again for another great book. It’s exactly what I was looking for! The pages almost feel new compared to some of the later Oz books I have.”

“I hope I haven’t disappointed too many of your other regulars, but when I see a book I really need (as is often the case with your site) and the price is reasonable (as is ALWAYS the case with your site), I take swift and decisive action.”

“Received the package today and everything was in perfection condition. I never thought I’d be able to say this, but at long last I finally have L. Frank Baum’s authentic signature/autograph, all thanks to you (and xxxx)! This is truly one of the best Christmas presents I have ever received and is a crowning jewel to our Oz collection.”

“This is a belated thanks for the two books I ordered in August. I love them! The guide book has already helped me a great deal in identifying what I already have. “

“The books arrived yesterday in splendid shape. They are both exquisite and will make great Christmas gifts!”

“Just wanted to drop a “thank you”, as my package from you has arrived. I couldn’t be happier with everything. This order marked my first foray into purchasing some earlier editions, so rest assured your former “wild and homeless” books will be in loving hands. Thanks as well for the neat extras; I particularly love the Scraps tote bag.”

“I received my books yesterday and they are wonderful! Thank you so much for the wonderful customer service, and the very careful packing. You exceeded expectations in every way.”

“I finally got to my incoming mail just after noon today, and there was Peter and the Princess and the Easter Card created by John R. Neill. I’m might pleased with both, and thank you for your good care in getting them to me safely.”

“I wanted to thank you for the care you took in packing the two books I received this week. I look forward to placing another order with you soon.”

“Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy receiving the Wonderful Books of Oz announcements. While my collecting has slowed a bit in recent years, I am amazed by the beautiful and interesting items you assemble for sale.”

“I have never seen 1960s issues [of the Baum Bugle] for sale anywhere other than in your store, which says something about your ability to consistently source rare material.”

“Oh WOW! The books arrived and they’re stunning! Thank you! I think you hold the title of World’s Best Packaging. So very kind of you. Thank you.”

“Just wanted to let you know that the four Pettijohn’s advertisements and the very nice copy of the 1909 Bobbs printing of Songs of Father Goose arrived safely yesterday. Thanks for your constantly fine service.”

“I really appreciate all you do to help build my sister’s book collection!  She loves your selections and is amassing a pretty impressive collection.  It wouldn’t have happened without you, and for that, I thank you!”

“I absolutely love Ozma of Oz. It came in great shape and I so love the illustrations. They are so sharp and clear compared to a later copy I already had. Thank you so much.”

“Your package arrived today, and the contents are all in perfect condition.  Thanks for the super careful packaging!  I love the watercolor, and the postcards are great too.”

“The drawing arrived in perfect order, and I’m quite pleased with it.”

“I have been delighted with all my purchases from you, as well as a book I received as a gift also purchased from you.”

“The book just came and I’m very happy with it. The colors are better than any others I’ve seen, so thanks so much!”

“you’re amazing. thank you!”

“Your on line guide to first editions speaks volumes to your interest in the OZ community and personal integrity and professionalism.”

“I’m very happy with the book! It was just as described, which these days can be a rarity…I would give you 6 stars if I could.”

“I picked up the Wiz of Oz books yesterday and was very pleased with your packing and the books in general. Thank you for your special attention in all matters.”

“Hi, Your store is WONDERFUL! You do an excellent job maintaining it and provide a lot of great information for the “green” Oz collectors.”

“I wanted to thank you for taking the time and trouble to share your knowledge with a novice collector. Your customer service is MOST appreciated; it’s rare these days to even receive a simple response from ebay sellers…”

“I have purchased from about twenty different sellers this month and by far I love you the best.”

“Books arrived yesterday, and they are beautiful! Once again, you have a very satisifed customer. Thank you!”

“You have such wonderful and interesting items for sale and I will need to make sure that I check out your shop more regularly.”

“Hello, the books arrived today and I am just thrilled with them!”

“The book and cards arrived–very nice! I starting reading “Dot and Tot” last night since I realized I’d never read it. Can’t believe it’s my bedtime reading at my age!”

“You are my favorite “OZ” book lady and is such a pleasure to purchase items from you. I check your products first when I’m searching for a particular item. I know the listings you put together are very accurate, well thought out, and of good value.”

“You deal in exactly the kind of books I love. It’s your suspiciously consistent literary acquisitions that make me a good customer. And the consistently great customer service you give. I am a fan of your books and your willingness to work with the functionally poor (or perhaps “economically challenged” is nearer the mark).”

“thanks for the OZ valentine. i have 3 of them now. the Scarecrow, Glinda, and Tinman & Dorothy. i love looking at the things in your store. you have such great stuff!!!”

“The books arrived and are every bit as lovely as I’ve come to expect from you. Thank you!”

“Wanted to let you know I received the Dutch Oz book today. WOW! I can’t tell you how happy I am. You just don’t see that book often and I could not be happier with the it. Thank you so much.”

“The Jigsaw Ozma book arrived today. Very nice. Thank you!”

“You are the WONDERFUL proprietor of Wonderful Books of Oz! THANK YOU!”

“They’re perfect. Just got them today. Thank you sooo much.”

“Thank you!  As always, your service is impeccable.”

“I have enjoyed your services since I found your website. All your books have been exactly as stated. Thank you again for being so helpful to me.”

“The drawing arrived in perfect order, and I’m quite pleased with it.”

“My book arrived in good condition yesterday.  It’s pretty neat to now have not only a dust jacket, but also the publishers band!  Again, I appreciate the great service!  Thank you very much!”

“Robert Ingersoll with DJ by Dard Hunter arrived today to my complete satisfaction. Thanks again for mailing 1st class.”

(From Australia): “The first order has already arrived, if you can believe that. Everything was very well packed and arrived in great shape.”

“I’ve been meaning to tell you that the books arrived last Thursday. I am very pleased with them…Anyway, consider me to be a very happy customer for the umpteenth time or so.”

“Each and every single package from you is like opening a Christmas present. Thank you Cindy. I’m so happy with these treasures.”

“I just wanted to let you know I got the books late last night – and thoroughly enjoyed opening them this morning! They are AMAZING! And the extra jacket protectors worked perfectly on my other DJs. Couldn’t have gone smoother; they really look great and I feel so much safer handling them. Thanks again, so much!”

“Your parcel arrived here yesterday with all its goodies intact, including that superlative copy of the library edition of ‘Cowardly Lion’. Everything looks great as always. Thanks for the 2017 OzCon / Winkie Con tote bag, too!”

“I hope one day we will meet. I like the way you think and your intuitive honesty. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed procuring books through you, and how much pleasure you have given our family. “

Please browse my store and if you don’t find what you want–there’s a pretty good chance I might have it squirreled away somewhere. Visits to my book room in San Diego County, CA are available by appointment.