Choice of 3 original postcards from the 1902 (& onward) Wizard of Oz hit stageplay, way before the MGM movie. Two depict David Montgomery and Fred Stone as the Tin-Man and Scarecrow (standing or sitting poses), and two show the whole cast. The *NOW SOLD* standing M&S card has hand-written “CLEVELAND 1904, Uncle Ray” on it, and the *NOW SOLD” sitting one has an arrow pointing to the Scarecrow that is marked “Walker (?)”. Three are postmarked 1906-1907, and all are early with undivided backs, when writing wasn’t allowed on the back of the card.
**PLEASE NOTE: Only the two Whole Cast cards are still available.** The cleaner Whole-Cast card will go to the first buyer, the other one has substantial creasing and writing as shown, as well as a small tear at upper left.