The Baum Bugle is the magazine put out by the International Wizard of Oz Club, which has been around for a long time. Filled with great detailed info related to Oz books, the authors, the movie, and more. This listing is for your CHOICE of one of the following issues between 1980 and 2019. Note availability varies, not all issues in photos may be available but I try to keep the list below current.
Baum Bugle Spring 1972: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Autumn 1972: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Christmas 1972: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 1973: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 1973: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Christmas 1973: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 1974: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Autumn 1974: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Christmas 1974: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 1975: Newly Available! (Discoloration to cover)
Baum Bugle Autumn 1975: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Winter 1975: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 1976: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Autumn 1976: SOLD
Baum Bugle Winter 1976: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 1977: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Autumn 1977: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Winter 1977: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 1978: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Autumn 1978: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 1979: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 1980: Newly Available!: Magic in Post-Thompson Oz, Early Reviews of Ozma of Oz, Puzzling Incidents in the Annals of Oz, Magic Belt and Forgetfulness, Chicago Record-Herald Oct 9, 1904: Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz, Have We Discovered Oz? (Australia as Oz–before it was a commonplace nickname), Two Endings of Aunt Jane’s Nieces in the Red Cross, Oz Bookshelf (Green Dolphin of Oz)
Baum Bugle Autumn 1980: Available– Oz in Russia (Pt 5), Adventures in Oz (Eloise Jarvis McGraw), Scraps and the Magic Box Conclusion, Letter from Jack Haley, Bibliography of WW Denslow, Additions and Corrections, Oz as Heaven
Baum Bugle Winter 1980/81: Newly Available! Disney and the Rainbow Road in Oz, Invisible Inzi of Oz Part I, Sunday Record Herald (Sept 2, 1904) How Uncle Eli Laughed Too Soon (by Baum), Oz Convention, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Spring 1981: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Summer 1981: Back in Stock: The Perfect Scarecrow (Fred Stone in play) Pt I, Invisible Inzi of Oz Part II, Unknown Poem by L. Frank Baum, Bibliographia Oziana: Checklist to the Copp, Clark Canadian Oz and Related Books, Some Sort of Grandish (Yip Harburg), Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News.
Baum Bugle Autumn 1981: Available–The Perfect Scarecrow (Fred Stone in play) Pt II, The Adaptable Mr. Neill, Bibliographia Pseudonymiana: Aunt Jane’s Nieces and Uncle John, General Discussion of AJN Ads and Dates, Correction to AJN in Society Autumn 1978, Bibliographia Baumiana: Mother Goose in Prose, Food for Thought (eating in Oz), Thanksgiving in Oz
Baum Bugle Winter 1981: Available–RPT Fairy Tale and Idea Company Pt I (by Ruth Plumly Thompson), My Aunt Ruth, Thompson’s Celebrities, RPT and The Curious Cruise of Captain Santa, Oz Quiz, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Spring 1982: (Some scuffing) King Kojo cover, RPT Fairy Tale and Idea Company Pt II (by Ruth Plumly Thompson), Diamondback (Baum story), Oz in Russia Pt 6, Oz Under Scrutiny (Dorothy and the Road to Oz Reviews), RPT Oz Maps
Baum Bugle Autumn 1982: Sold Out–Lurline’s Source, Amazonia of Oz, Oz Club 25th Anniversary, Oz on Display, Journey to Oz, Land of Oz Play, Adventures in Oz, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Winter 1982: SOLD Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its Discoverer (Baum) by Thompson, Corresponding with Frank J. Baum, Maud Baum’s Correspondence with Jack Snow, Sunday Record-Herald Oct 23, 1904: Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz, Sinclair Lewis and L F Baum, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Spring 1983: Newly Available! Maud Baum correspondence with Jack Snow, Baum’s Dragons, Dorothy and the Wizard Revisited, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Behind the Footlights, Michael Hague interview, Adventures in Oz, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Autumn 1983: Newly Available! (this one is a must-have!) Road to Reilly & Lee (musings by Dick Martin on his experiences with that publishing house), Dear Mrs. McGraw/Dear Mr. Martin, Royal Historian Eloise McGraw, 1963 Ozmapolitan (reprint), Assistant Inventor, Canonization of Merry Go Round, McGraw Checklist, Dick Martin Checklist, convention info
Baum Bugle Winter 1983: Sold Out. Oz in Sci Fi Fillm, Oz on Film, Oz Report, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Behind the Footlights, Int. Wizard of Oz Club: Conventions, Memoriam: Russell MacFall, Oz Quiz, Os in the News, Bylaws
Baum Bugle Spring 1984: SOLD OUT Oz in Japan Update, Was this the Wizard who was the Wizard of Oz?, Baum’s Ethnic Stereotypes, Adventures in Oz, Memoriam: Joslyn Stanton Baum, Bibliographia Baumiana: Jaglon and the Tiger Fairies, Oz Bookshelf, Int. Wizard of Oz Club: Questionnaire Report, Memorial Award, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Autumn 1984: Available! Dorothy Gage and Dorothy Gale, Librarians, Editors, Critics, Children and Oz, Oz on Display Oz Under Scrutiny, Our Landlady, MGM Scrapbook, Oz Bookshelf
Baum Bugle Winter 1984: SOLD OUT Disney’s Return to Oz, Oz: Del Rey Connection, Wicked Witch interviews the Scarecrow, Baum’s Wizard on Broadway, The Milk-Maid (Baum Story), Oz Bookshelf, MGM Scrapbook (Ding Dong deleted Reprise)
Baum Bugle Spring 1985: SOLD Planet in a Panic over Queer Visitor (What did the Wogglebug Say?), Costume Wizardry in Return to Oz, Bibliographia Baumiana Posthumus Books (Musical Fantasies of L. Frank Baum, High-Jinks of L. Frank Baum, Uplift of Lucifer, Kidnapped Santa Claus, Purple Dragon and other Fantasies, Nelebel’s Fairyland, Strange Tale of Nursery Folk, Runaway Shadows, Christmas Stocking, Prince Silverwings). Wizard of Oz (movie) Ratings
Baum Bugle Autumn 1985: Available–Margaret Hamilton (Wicked Witch), My Father was The Wizard of Oz (Pt 1), Return to Oz, Michael Herring (Del Rey Oz illustrator), Oz book reviews, Bibliographia Baumiana: Our Landlady. Oz Bookshelf: Wizard of Way-Up, Whimsical World of Oz, Oz in Press
Baum Bugle Winter 1985: SOLD Christmas was Every Day with Aunt Ruth (Plumly Thompson), Santa Claus TV Special, Notes from the Royal Historian (Dick Martin, Ozmapolitan of Oz), My Father was The Wizard of Oz (Pt 2), MGM Scrapbook, Oz Bookshelf, Margaret Hamilton
Baum Bugle Spring 1986: SOLD Matilda Jewell Gage, Life and Adventures of Santa Claus on TV, Dust Jackets of Oz Pt 1, Baum as Amateur Printer, Bibliographia Baumiana: Baum’s Complete Stamp Dealers Directory, Oz Bookshelf
Baum Bugle Autumn 1986: Available–Judy Garland Bio, Interview with Baum, Matilda Jewell Gage (I), Poppy Song sheet music by Baum, Baum as Chicken Fancier, Bibliographia Baumiana: Book of the Hamburgs.
Baum Bugle Winter 1986: SOLD Christmas Stocking Series Intro by Baum, Radio Road to Oz Pt 1 inc. Jello show, Why Boys and Girls Like Oz by R. P. Thompson, Borderland of Oz Cartography, MGM Scrapbook, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Record Cabinet, Bibliographia Pseudonymiana: Aunt Jane’s Nieces on Vacation
Baum Bugle Spring 1987: Available–MGM Scrapbook (Ray Bolger), Dust Jackets of Oz Pt 2, Dust Jackets and the Collector, Bibliographia Baumiana: By the Candlelabra’s Glare, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Record Cabinet, Radio Road to Oz Pt 2
Baum Bugle Autumn 1987: Available–Road to Oz (by Justin Schiller), Growing up in Oz, Romula Remus Dunlap (first Dorothy), Bibliographia Baumiana: Father Goose–His Book, Denslow Gravestone, MGM Scrapbook, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Record Cabinet
Baum Bugle Winter 1987: Newly Available! Oz Christmas Card, Oz Comics (including Checklist of Oz Comic Art), MGM Scrapbook, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Record Cabinet
Baum Bugle Spring 1988: Newly Available! Communications in Oz, Oz in Russia (The Yellow Fog), MGM Scrapbook: Maud G Baum, The Osmopolitan reprint, Oz Behind the Footlights, Bibliographia Baumiana: A New Wonderland and the Magical Monarch of Mo, Greedy Goldfish (little known Baum writings), Oz Bookshelf, Oz Record Cabinet
Baum Bugle Autumn 1988:Newly Available! Ruby Slippers Auction Record, Royal Historian of Oz Jack Snow, Checklist of Jack Snow works, Jack Snow and the Land of Oz (Hanff), Queer Visitors strip, Critical Look at Jack Snow, Rise and Fall of Jack’s Library, MGM Scrapbook, Bibliographia Pseudonymiana: Aunt Jane’s Nieces on the Ranch, Aunt Jane’s Nieces Out West, Oz Record Cabinet, Oz Bookshelf
Baum Bugle Winter 1988:Newly Available! Record Album Cover, Emerald City Palace as the Hotel del Coronado, Interview with Baum at the Hotel del Coronado, Golden Energy of MGM Wizard Sparks Wave of Oz Collectibles, Allegiance to Utopia, Bibliographia Baumiana: Dot and Tot of Merryland, The Wonderful Records of Oz, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Screening Room
Baum Bugle Spring 1989: Eric Shanower, Royal Historian and Checklist, To the Littlefield Baby (Baum Poem), Oz Apocrypha Beyond the Forty Books, After the Wizard, Stare Wizard, Robert A. Baum 1915-1988
Baum Bugle Autumn 1989: Real Reel Critics (Oz movie reviews), Oz under the microscope, Merchandising MGM’s Oz (1939 products), Checklist of MGM character merchandise, Book is Born (50th Ann. Pictorial History), Dick Martin’s Oz Panorama, Oz Bookshelf and Screening Room
Baum Bugle Winter 1989: (Some staining to cover and 1st page) More Dragons of Oz, Reluctant Retirement of a Royal Historian (Ruth Plumly Thompson’s travails with some of Baums and Reilly & Lee), Loveridge Burglary (by Baum), Dust Jackets of Oz: Pt III, Dreamer of Oz
Baum Bugle Spring 1990: Available! Dick Martin Obituary, Remembrances of an Oz Friend, Mystery of Dr. Nikidik and Dr. Pipt, Baum Collection at the Alexander Mitchell Library, Enchanted Island of Yew Discussion, Just for Fun (Baum Song), Bibliographia: American Fairy Tales, Oz Record Cabinet, MGM Scrapbook: Sweden, Oz Bookshelf (Merry Go Round in Oz reprint)
Baum Bugle Autumn 1990: Available! Annotated Road to Oz Pt I, Road to Oz Text Summary, Italian Wonderful World of Oz, Why do People Keep Writing Oz Stories?, Checklist of Oz Apocrypha (writings other than the 1st 40 books)–note–this article has checkmarks by the books collected, Bibliographia Pseudonymiana: Aunt Jane’s Nieces in the Red Cross, Oz Record Cabinet, MGM Scrapbook: Sweden, Oz Bookshelf, Latest in Magic
Baum Bugle Winter 1990: Available! On Wearing Well by McGraw, Charles Santore’s Oz, Music of Return to Oz, Annotated Road to Oz Pt II, Oz Quiz, Queer Visitors, Restoration Oz, Oz Record Cabinet, Oz on Commemorative Stamps (interesting!), Let’s Have a Baum Stamp, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News, Ozian Miscellany
Baum Bugle Spring 1991: Available! 100 Issues of Baum Bugle, and Counting, NBC’s Dreamer of Oz, On the Set of Dreamer, Ozian Geography, Timetable for an Oz Book (Rachel Cosgrove), Tin Soldier’s Song (Baum), The Radio Road to Oz, MGM’s Attempted Return to Oz, Checklist of Merchandise from “Off to See the Wizard”, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Record Cabinet
Baum Bugle Autumn 1991: In Stock. Mantle of Oz is Passed (Ruth Plumly Thompson Bio), Life with Aunt Ruth, Children’s Letters to Thompson, Ledger Notes by Ruth Berman, Cowardly Lion’s Lament (song), Thompson comic, Thompson Works Published in Philly Public Ledger, Checklist of her Published Work, Thompson’s Other Oz Titles, Oz Bookshelf
Baum Bugle Winter 1991: Available! Baum’s Arthur Conan Doyle, Evolution of Rachel Cosgrove (Payes), Oz Character and Promotional Glasses, Mating Day (little known Baum story). Wizard of Emerald City (Russian story), Judy Garland Letter, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Record Cabinet
Baum Bugle Spring 1992: Available!
Baum Bugle Autumn 1992: Available! (Denslow issue)-Other Father of Oz, Peep Into Bohemia, Artist’s Appreciation of Denslow, Denslow and Foreign Publishers, Denslow Checklist
Baum Bugle Winter 1992: Available! Ozma and the Nome Kingdom, Maxims for Moppets, Buddy Ebsen Interview, Mary Cowles Clark, Our Landlady Columns, Price of Board (Baum Story), Return to Oz Collectibles, Return to Oz Character Merchandise Checklist, Oz Quiz
Baum Bugle Autumn 1993: Newly Available!
Baum Bugle Winter 1993: SOLD. Harlan Ellison on Oz, Silent Oz, Jack Burgitt’s Honor Pt II (Baum), Oz films revisited, Bibliographia Baumiana: John Dough and the Cherub, MGM Scrapbook and Oz Bookshelf, Oz quiz
Baum Bugle Spring 1994: SOLD J. R. Neill: Brother and Father, Memories of Neill, Interview with Neill, An Illustrator’s Illustrator, Oz and Ends, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Autumn 1994:Â Available! The Witches of Oz, There’s No Place Like Oz, Witchcraft of Mary-Marie, Baum’s “Mystic Shrines of Pretty Fancy” (Amy Leslie’s Reviews), Oz Bookshelf (Applewood Waddle Book Reproduction).
Baum Bugle Winter 1994:Â SOLD. Queer Visitors revisited by Michael Hearn, Memories of my Grandmother by Ozma Baum Mantele, Baum’s Mystic Shrines of Pretty Fancy, Amy Leslie’s Reviews of Oz Part 2 by Heard (ed.), Skies of Enchantment by Barbara Koelle, Frederick E. Otto in Memoriam, Alla T. Ford in Memoriam by Fred Meyer
Baum Bugle Spring 1995:Â Available! Oz in Japan, Baum’s Mystic Shrines Pt III, The Ryl by Baum, If Ever a Wiz There Was by Ruth Berman, Oz Merchandise 1995 Update, Yellow Knight Goes to Theater, Oz Behind the Footlights, Oz Bookshelf
Baum Bugle Autumn 1995:Â Â Available! Return to Oz Revisited, Ozmapolitan Reprint, Oz Files, Scarecrow to the Rescue, Bibliographia Baumiana: Sky Island, MGMs Ads of Oz, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Winter 1995: Available! Note cover has misprint: Spring 1995. Lost “Adventures in Oz” (Thompson/Neill comic strip), All About Oz (Thompson interview), Money in Oz, The Man-Fairy by Baum, MGM Scrapbook–Taking the Bus to Oz, Oz Bookshelf,
Baum Bugle Spring 1996:Â Available! Oz and the Fifth Criterion, Curly Top in Oz (Shirley Temple), Film Daily Heralds the Wizard of Oz, Amazing Display of Oz, Denslow at the Brandywine, Scarecrow and Tin Woodman, A Wiz of a Desert Mix (1945 Oz Ice Cream Mix), Oz Bookshelf
Baum Bugle Fall 1996: SOLD. Dust Jackets by Roycraft, Curly Top (Shirley Temple) in Oz, Brenda Baum, Godmother of Oz, Tin Woodman of Oz, Christmas in Oz, Book Reviews, MGM Scrapbook, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Winter 1996: Available, but with discoloration & waviness–likely got wet. No odor. James E Nitch, Oz Iced Over, Dorothy’s Adventures Underground Hatsuo in Oz, Royal Bank of Oz, Lost Illustrator (Evelyn Copelman), Bibliographia Oziana: Juvenile Speaker, Baum’s Own Book for Children, Book Reviews, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Spring 1997:Â Available! Vol 1, #1 of the Baum Bugle reproduced, Oz and Ends, Bibliographia Oziana: The Sea Fairies (plus Italian translation), Interview with Roger Baum, MGM Scrapbook, 1933 World’s Fair, Enchanted Island Model, History with the Wizard of Oz, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News, Woozy Toys
Baum Bugle Autumn 1997: Available! Land of Oz Crossword, Daniel Mannix, Wizard Plays on the Road, Oz: The American Fairyland, Stensgaard 1039 Christmas display (pictured in color), Santore’s Dorothy, Puzzle of International Intrigue, Madison Square Garden, Oz Screening Room, Oz in the News, Oz Oddity
Baum Bugle Winter 1997: Available! Mother Goose in Prose, L F Baum Memorial Award, Ozzy Songs for Aussies, Wizard of Oz on Ice Souvenir Checklist, Color Japanese Oz Center Image, Oz Bookshelf, Ozcot: My Second Home, Oz Quiz, Oz Oddity, Bylaws, Swift’s Peanut Butter rear covers
Baum Bugle Spring 1998: Available! Baum’s Oz vs. Caliber’s Oz Comics, Langley’s Screenplay for the Wizard of Oz Sequel, All Roads Lead to Oz (Marvel Comics connection), MGM Oz Comic Art, Bibliographia Baumiana: Enchanted Island of Yew, Oz Bookshelf, Oz Oddity: Wonderful Stories of Oz
Baum Bugle Autumn 1998:Â Available! Tarpon Wizard of Oz Play, MGM Scrapbook, L Frank Baum Scrapbooks, Wonderful World of Oz (planned theme park & resort) update, Word Play in Baum’s Fantasies, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News, Oz Oddity Ozma of Oz w/ special inscription
Baum Bugle Winter 1998: Now Available! (some damage to rear cover) Coloring Book Checklist, Samuel French Connection (Jr League Plays), Baum at the World’s Fair.
Baum Bugle Spring 1999: SOLD Rachel Cosgrove Payes Remembrance, Hidden Valley no longer in Hiding (Shanower Illustrations), Uncle Henry Charley Grapewin, Frederick Richardson illustrator & Checklist, J. R. Neill & Comic Tradition, Oz Oddity: Peanut Butter and Lager
Baum Bugle Autumn 1999: Available
Baum Bugle Winter 1999: Available
Baum Bugle Spring 2000: Newly Available
Baum Bugle Autumn 2000: SOLD
Baum Bugle Winter 2000: SOLD Oz Quiz, Oz and Ends, RP Thompson, Penpal, Miles Kimball Catalog, Caren Marsh-Doll, Land of Oz Theme Park, Land of Oz Souvenir Checklist, Ken McLellan’s Cartoon Dream, Larry Semon’s Oz (1925 Photoplay), Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News, Oz Oddity: Briar Patch Sweetbriar College 1929 yearbook.
Baum Bugle Spring 2001: SOLD. Dot & Tot of Merryland: An Appreciation, Oz Collector’s Adventures (by Justin Schiller), Oz Centennial Celebration, Emerald City of Oz and Beyond, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Autumn 2001: SOLD. Eloise Jarvis McGraw (1915-2000), Tributes to McGraw, Oz Centennial Library Exhibitions, MGM Scrapbook International Oz, Writing the Hidden Prince of Oz, Art of the Hidden Prince of Oz, Bibliographia Baumiana, Queen Zixi of Ix, Serial Publication of Queen Zixi, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Winter 2001: SOLD Master Key Electrical Origins, Wicked Witch, Runaway and Me (Shanower), Neill’s Sketches for Runaway in Oz, Bibliographia Baumiana: Army Alphabet, Navy Alphabet, Meglin Kiddies and The Land of Oz, Checklist of Oz Puzzles and Games, Oz Quiz, Oz Bookshelf, Oz in the News
Baum Bugle Spring 2002: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2002: SOLD
Baum Bugle Winter 2002: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 2003: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2003: SOLD. Enchanted Island of Yew, Oz in Russia since Volkov Pt II, Winkie Convention
Baum Bugle Winter 2003: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 2004: SOLD. Irene Fisher Memoriam, Oz Filmography Part I, Oz Quiz, Good Ruler or Bad Ruler? (Ozma)
Baum Bugle Autumn 2004: Available
Baum Bugle Winter 2004: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 2005: SOLD. Dorothy: An Interview, Dorothy the Conquerer, Fred Meyer Tribute, Cynthia Baum Tassini, Anna Laughlin Speaks Out
Baum Bugle Autumn 2005: SOLD. Queen Zixi of Ix (Dark Side), Early Reviews of Queen Zixi, Oz Imagery, Royal History of Lost King, Fred Meyer Memorial Quiz
Baum Bugle Winter 2005: SOLD. Will Vinton Returns to Oz, Baum and Motion Pictures, Early Reviews of Patchwork Girl film, Saga of Magic Cloak, Memories of a Munchkin, Our Hollywood by Baum
Baum Bugle Spring 2006: Sold Out. My Grandfather was a Wizard (by Robert A Baum), Oil in the Family, Why the Flying Gril Crashed, Gardener of Ozcot, Making Magic (Baum’s last Oz book)
Baum Bugle Autumn 2006: Available! Sherwood Smith, WIlliam Stout in Oz, Oz Illustration on Display (2006 Amherst Exhibition), MGM Scrapbook
Baum Bugle Winter 2006: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 2007: SOLD. Ringer in Aunt Jane’s Nieces Books, Early Reviews of Baum, Boys’ Series Books, Sam Steele’s Adventures, Annabel, The Orchestra by Baum
Baum Bugle Autumn 2007: SOLD. Fifty Years of Oz Club by Justin Schiller, How the Club Started, History of Baum Bugle, Fifty Years of Road to Oz
Baum Bugle Winter 2007: SOLD. Ozma of Oz Centennial, Sci Fi’s Tin Man, Arthur Freed’s Oz
Baum Bugle Spring 2008: Sold Out. The Roads of Oz, How Big is Oz, Nonestic Ocean, Adventures in Oz by Michael Patrick Hearn, the John R Neill Gift Book Series
Baum Bugle Autumn 2008: Back in Stock! Greetings from Oz by Michael Herring, Surprised by Jory, Banner Elk and Beyond, Steven Levitin Memoriam
Baum Bugle Winter 2008: Sold Out. Dorothy and the Wizard in a Dark Passage, Amazing Truth about Dorothy and the Wizard, Christmas Stocking Series
Baum Bugle Spring 2009: Sold Out
Baum Bugle Summer 2009: SOLD
Baum Bugle Winter 2009: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 2010: Available!
Baum Bugle Winter 2010: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 2011: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2011: SOLD
Baum Bugle Winter 2011: SOLD Death Valley and Deadly Desert, Magic Numbers, Bass Lake to Beech Mountain, Adventures in Oz
Baum Bugle Spring 2012: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2014: SOLD–Tik Tok Man of Oz, Pamami Press, Tik Tok Tastic, Martin Gardner, Wacky World
Baum Bugle Spring 2015: Note this is a special W W Denslow issue with color illustrations, not part of this Choice, but listed separately here.
Baum Bugle Autumn 2015: SOLD
Baum Bugle Winter 2015: SOLD: Five Origins of the Scarecrow, Rereading Scarecrow of Oz, Library Bindings of Oz, The Magic Picture, More on the Hill Edition of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Baum Bugle Spring 2016 SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2016: Available
Baum Bugle Winter 2016: Available
Baum Bugle Spring 2017: Available
Baum Bugle Autumn 2017, Winter 2017: SOLD
Baum Bugle Spring 2018: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2019: SOLD
Baum Bugle Winter 2019: Available!
Baum Bugle Spring 2020: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2020: SOLD
Baum Bugle Autumn 2021: SOLD
Issues are for the most part in good condition, with the odd corner bumping or light browning here and there. Some may even include the original last-minute membership inserts laid in by the club! Actual issue may vary slightly from those in the photos.
Remember–the list price is for ONE magazine, your choice of the above list. Please specify which issue you’d like in the Order Notes box at the bottom of Checkout. If you want more than one, change the Cart quantity. Additional mags ship for no extra cost. I also usually have some earlier issues listed separately in my store. Best of Baum Bugles are available here.